> > It's not crucial that I release with this latest, but I just bring
> > up this issue in case it is actually a lurking asdf bug which needs to be
> > shaken out before 3.0.3 release...
> >
> If something is broken, we definitely want to solve before release.
> But I fear the problem is with your configuration somehow.
I "solved" the issue by the following bootstrap procedure:
1. compile/load adsf3
2. (remhash "uiop" asdf::*preloaded-systems*
3. load quicklisp's setup.lisp
Without step (2), the preloaded system of uiop occurs first in *system-definition-search-functions*, so the separable project for uiop (in my case, in local-projects), never ends up being found, and therefore ends up missing from the monofasl (I do suspect that the fact that it silently fails to be included in the monofasl can be considered a bug -- this probably should throw an error when trying to build the monofasl and realizing that the uiop.fasl is not showing up to the party, shouldn't it?)
So is this a use case which should be more directly supported? Does this call for an unregister-preloaded-system or some such thing?