On 2010-03-31, at 14:07 , Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, james anderson <james.anderson@setf.de> wrote:
a. put logical hosts on asdf's search path and unify the pathnames
for found system definitions with them.

Sorry, but from the paragraph that you wrote I do not follow completely the logic of what it is achieved.

if the system is built with asdf, the initialize-instance operator for systems can examine the system's pathname and the pathnames which constitute the list bound to asdf:*central-registry*, determine if there are any logical host definitions which subsume the respective physical pathname, and use the respective logical pathname to designate the system's definition file instead of the physical one which was used to load it.

as they say in the rad world, "it's that easy!"

i actually use a more radical approach. one which searches the entire logical host world, but that probably goes too far and can require disambiguation.

In any case the sentence "put logical hosts on asdf's search path" implies that ASDF has to be there for the pathnames to exist, while I was advocating a mechanism that did not depend on a central registry and, most of all, that did not depend on the user setting up translations.

i simply don't understand your requirements. on one hand both with and without asdf, but then it is objected, that a mechanism which requires asdf does not work without it. please explain.

if the requirement is that exact same exact formulation be used with and without asdf, then
a) the additional system initialization argument is excluded
b) the second option in my earlier message provides this path.