On Thu, 2013-11-21 at 17:51 +0400, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
The proposal to put new, incompatible version into new package does not imply any additional maintenance of old versions.
And BTW, other versioning approaches do not prevent from support of previous versions. These two questions are completely orthogonal.
If speak about old versions maintenance (in whatever versioning).
People using old versions should understand that development focus is shifted to the latest versions.
OTOH if someone has large application depending on say hunchentoot 0.13.0 and it is easier to accept his patch that for him to migrate to hunchentoot 1.2.18 - why not, create a branch from 0.13.0 and commit his patch.
21.11.2013, 15:01, "Stelian Ionescu" <sionescu@cddr.org>:
Since CL library development isn't subsidized by generous companies - like in the Java, Python & Ruby world - the best we can do with limited resources is break an API, maintain the project name and simply require all users to forward-port their code.
How the requirement for additional work in clients (which are probably other open source libraries) is a resource saving?
Because the library developers' time is much more precious that the users' time, with few exceptions. -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.