On 8/30/17 Aug 30 -4:33 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
On 8/30/17 Aug 30 -2:36 PM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
In latest ASDF, the function #’sys:pid-exit-status is used for LispWorks 6 and early versions, but I found this symbol doesn’t have a bounded function at all:
CL-USER 1 > (describe 'sys:pid-exit-status)
SYSTEM:PID-EXIT-STATUS is a SYMBOL NAME "PID-EXIT-STATUS" VALUE #<unbound value> FUNCTION #<unbound function> PLIST NIL PACKAGE #<The SYSTEM package, 6625/8192 internal, 1277/2048 external>
In LispWorks 7.0, it’s even not an external symbol. On the other side, the function #’sys:pipe-exit-status exists since at least LispWorks 5.1.2, I think it should be used for all LispWorks versions, not just 7.
The function #’sys:pipe-pid used in another ASDF function, exists since LispWorks 6.1, but ASDF only use it for LispWorks after 7.0. I don’t know if this could cause any potential problem in LispWorks 6.1, but I guess there’s no problem calling it also in 6.1.
Basically I don’t know the purpose of these function calls, no actually tests were done. Use the patch with cautions … just calling non-exist functions are definitely wrong.
I'll try this with LW 7, to be sure, then if it works for you I'll push it.
Thank you very much for catching this!
Worked for me on LW 7, so if this works on LW 6, I'll merge it. cheers, r