IIRC, at ITA we loaded all the source code of QPX as source code in a first pass before we compiled it, to get all the functions resolved (happily, there weren't any macro-defining macros requiring more than one level of such loading), due to the code having been defined without such a clean build in mind. I don't remember for sure, but I suspect we did that also when we used ADG on that code-base to detect the dependencies. Maybe we even ran ADG twice? In the end, we also generated fine-grained dependency reports so we could later split the files in multiple parts that had a proper dependency order, and even automatically did the file-splitting based on dependencies with toplevel-form granularity. (The output from this project was dropped for political reasons, though, sigh). Sorry, my memories are growing dim, and I don't have access to this codebase anymore. I might know people who have access and might be able to dig it out (or then again might not—the code might have been archived with the old revision control system when ITA was absorbed by Google, and no one is going to get paid to fight bureaucracy to get to ancient code; and it probably was in a branch which will make archaeology harder). —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org “In reviewing the history of the English Government, its wars and its taxes, a bystander, not blinded by prejudice nor warped by interest, would declare that taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes.” — Thomas Paine, “Rights of Man” On Sat, Dec 31, 2022 at 12:43 AM Robert Dodier <robert.dodier@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, thanks for your help so far.
I have noticed that asdf-dependency-grovel doesn't handle functions which are defined after a reference. E.g. suppose a file says (defun f () (g)) and G hasn't been defined yet. Then a file that's loaded afterwards says (defun g ()). If the loading order of the files were reversed, ADG would detect the dependency, but as it stands, ADG sees that there is a new symbol G but doesn't output a dependency for that.
It seems like the problem might be originating from dependencies being detected at the time that the reference is detected. It seems like if the definitions and references were all generated, and then all of the references matched with definitions after everything is loaded, then ADG would detect out-of-order references. Just guessing there.
Do you see an easy way to get ADG to detect out-of-order dependencies? The reason I ask is that the practical example I am interested in (Maxima) has a lot of those.
Thanks for any insights,