17.03.2018, 21:52, "Robert Goldman" <rpgoldman@sift.net>:
Thank you very much, Anton. Question: is the inner-conditional-test failure on SBCL 1.3.21 not a regression?
Not a regression. Heap Exhausted often happens on SBCL for that library: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/inner-conditional.html That's a problem of SBCL's conservative garbage collector - it doesn't always recognizes garbage that may be collected, thus exhausting heap.
What about reversi on CCL 1.9? I guess if I understand correctly, reversi must have passed on CCL 1.10 and 1.11, so probably I shouldn't worry about this, either.
This error happens only with the presence of the new ASDF, but it's low-level memory access level, thus it's, in any case, an error in CCL rather than in ASDF lisp code. For the record, it's easy to reproduce this way (the failure happens about 80% of time): $ rm -rf /home/testgrid/.cache/common-lisp/ && rlwrap /home/testgrid/lisps/ccl-1.9/lx86cl --no-init --load /home/testgrid/quicklisp-asdf3/setup.lisp --eval '(ql:quickload :reversi)' --eval '(ccl:quit)' And it only happens in CCL 1.9. Since 1.10 the error doesn't reproduce. So no worries for ASDF developers.
On 17 Mar 2018, at 7:51, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
Results for these lisps:
abcl-1.5.0-fasl43-linux-x86 ccl-1.10-r16196-f96-linux-x86 ccl-1.11-r16635-f96-linux-x86 ccl-1.9-r15756-f96-linux-x86 clisp-2.49-unix-x86 ecl-16.1.2-unknown-linux-x86-bytecode ecl-16.1.2-unknown-linux-x86-lisp-to-c sbcl-1.1.16-linux-x86 sbcl-1.3.21-linux-x86
show no regressions.
ACL tests are running - needed to re-run them because licence refresh was needed.
The report: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-73.html
Best regards, - Anton
13.03.2018, 16:53, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
I've started tests for
11.03.2018, 06:11, "Faré" <fahree@gmail.com>:
Dear Anton,
can you try your test suite again against ? I think we're mostly ready to release 3.3.2 this time, with its many bugs fixes (and bug fix fixes).
Can you also try the branch made by Robert for syntax-control + a copy of the standard readtable as default?
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