Great, then why not replace ASDF's function user-homedir into this one: (defun* user-homedir () #+mcl (ccl::findfolder #$kuserdomain #$kCurrentUserFolderType) #-mcl (truenamize (pathname-directory-pathname (user-homedir-pathname)))) I've made a patch (in attach), include above new definition and some notes. I hope Faré could merge it. We still love MCL even though it has so much difference from other modern CL platforms. --binghe 在 2011-5-19,07:05, Terje Norderhaug 写道:
On May 17, 2011, at 10:26 PM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
Some time ago I can use ASDF with Macintosh Common Lisp, but recently I can't any more.
I found a workaround for myself:
(in-package :asdf)
(defun user-homedir () #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:")
with above code loaded as a ASDF patch, I can load other packages well.
Alternatively, when using ASDF with MCL, bind ccl::*user-homedir-pathname* to the pathname for the ~/ home directory of the current user:
(ccl::findfolder #$kuserdomain #$kCurrentUserFolderType)
The ccl::user-homedir-pathname function returns the value of ccl::*user-homedir-pathname* when called with no arguments.
I have made a note about it in the ASDF section of <http://code.google.com/p/mcl/wiki/Portability>.
-- Terje Norderhaug terje@in-progress.com