Dave, do you have success with moving saved lisp image to new machine/directory, when the image has asdf and quicklisp loaded? I am trying this too, and (asdf:clear-configuration) is not enough for systems loaded from quicklisp. For example many libraries keep static files, like .html, .css in their repositories. And at run-time access these resources with asdf:system-relative-pathname. The simplest example is hunchentoot. If you do (ql:quickload :hunchentoot) (hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 4242)) and open you see hunchentoot default page and documentation. These pages are served from quicklisp\dists\quicklisp\software\hunchentoot-1.2.7\www\ When I save a lisp image and copy the image together with quicklisp/ directory to another location, the libraries can not locate their static files. In my example, hunchentoot says "The requested URL / was not found on this server." I have tried to (asdf:clear-configuration) before saving the image and after image is restored to (setf ql:*quicklisp-home* (truename (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/" *default-pathname-defaults*))) (ql:setup) but it didn't help. So saving lisp image only work for me in tiny applications where I know there is no need for resources from file system. For general use, where application depends on many libraries I am afraid there is no way to make relocatable lisp images. Even if I find a way to reinitialize asdf and quicklisp configurations, there are libraries which have their own custom variables holding file system paths. For such applications I only see one reliable way - prebuild all the .fals files with disabled asdf-output-translations so that .fals files are placed near the sources. Then copy full application and library sources to new location and reload them by (load "quicklisp/setup.lisp") (ql:quickload :my-application). Best regards, - Anton