Two suggestions: 1. Let us know the implementation, implementation version, and ASDF version 2. Look at the values of `*uninteresting-conditions*`, `*uninteresting-compiler-conditions*`, and `*warnings-file-type*` in your running lisp. That will help us figure out why you are seeing this effect. Thanks, r On 9 Jun 2018, at 16:06, Cyrus Harmon wrote:
I don't know enough about ASDF to know if I'm running with deferred warnings -- I'm just trying to do (asdf:load-system ...) and removing the with-muffled-compiler-conditions form (which itself is inside a with-saved-deferred-warnings form) makes the trace output reappear. I could well be overestimating of that particular form, but somehow the TRACE output is being swallowed unless that form is removed.
On 6/9/18 1:54 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
On 9 Jun 2018, at 12:38, Cyrus Harmon wrote:
Dear ASDF folks,
I was trying to trace calls to compile-file today and noticed that the with-muffled-compiler-conditions form in uiop:compile-file* muffles trace output. Is there anyway to make it not do that?
I think you are overestimating the effect of this form. *UNLESS* you are running with deferred warnings, this will only muffle |*uninteresting-conditions*| and |*uninteresting-compiler-conditions*|.
By default, those are bound to |NIL|, so this shouldn't be causing your problem.