LispWorks has only a windows exe, but lets you dump a console exe. abcl, ccl, clisp, ecl, mkcl, sbcl seem to have console exe's only. I don't know the status of the recently resurrected cormanlisp; I believe it has a windows-only exe.
Thanks for the info.
I'll add that my current personal use-case for Common Lisp is for scripting, for which I don't care as much for multithreading, but a lot about stdin/stdout integration.
Goodbye, shell, perl, python and ruby. I'm glad you're dead to me.
I admit I don't use Windows (or I'd have tracked and fixed the bug with sbcl and run-program), but if I did, I would be disappointed that allegro doesn't make console programming easy.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• Verbal constructs of above-average phonemic quantity implement the qualitative actualization of cognitive disenlightenment. (Big words obscure meaning.)