On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:The meaning is good, but I don't know anyone with a QWARTY keyboard.
> On 3/2/13 Mar 2 -2:16 PM, Faré wrote:
>> Hans Hübner suggests that asdf-driver is too clumsy a name, and
>> suggested we rename it to something in the line of asdf and poiu.
>> What do you think of wert - wispy environment run-time?
>> The existing aliases asdf-driver, asdf/driver, asdf-utils would remain
>> for a while.
> "wart"? Wispy ASDF-related Run-Time
> ;-)
Also, I'm told that a word not in the dictionary would make search easier.
AOEU - ASDF Operating Environment Utilities
DVOR - Defsystem Vainglorious Operating Runtime
ERTY - extended run-time yuckiness
ZAQ - eZzential ASDF Quagmire.
QAZ - Quirk Annihilator Zoo
UIOP - Utilities for Implementation- and OS- Portability.
Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the
social group without being willing to pay — and claims a halo for his
dishonesty. — Robert Heinlein
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