minimakefile will have to wait. I don't see a pressing need to merge it. It provides no new functionality, only an experiment with using ASDF to enable CL to be used as a scripting langauge. That's nice, but until it *eases* my development, instead of complicating it, I don't expect to merge this branch. The existing makefile isn't broken in a way that the minimakefile fixes. I have already specified changes that need to be made in this branch before it can be merged:
Actually, it now does provide some additional functionality: * make help to show all the commands, with a short documentation line for each. The old Makefile had no such thing. * all Lisp commands invoked are now specified according to a list of Lisp forms that isn't obfuscated for passing through bad Windows implementations; on error, messages are printed that work fine for reproducing the bug, with or without obfsuation.
1. It must provide bash completion that is *at least as* good as make does.
Done (I hope)
2. It must have more documentation.
Done — there was about none on the old scheme, there are docstrings everywhere not.
Note that these are lower bounds. My ASDF development infrastructure is not a place for experimentation. Experiments that provide clear benefits *to me* are likely to be accepted. Experiments that further unrelated goals (develop CL as a scripting environment) will not: novel CL technology development is not my job as ASDF maintainer.
I agree. I believe the new asdf-tools replacement for the Makefile is a success at making things easier. Release scripts are now possible in a way that they weren't before.
As the delays in reviewing the syntax-control branch illustrate, I don't have a lot of spare cycles for ASDF right now (a number of projects entering critical state this month). So ASDF items that don't provide a compelling benefit (bugfix or significantly easier development) are going to be back-burnered till more attention becomes available.
Sorry, but it's better that I restrict myself to doing what I can do competently, rather than overextend and do a crummy job on everything.
In general, I think this should be acceptable, because the heroic days of fixing the big bugs in ASDF are over. We are entering a stage of maintaining mature and successful technology.
I understand your position. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Lorsque la consigne est infâme, la désobéissance est un devoir