Dear binghe, first, which version of ASDF are you using? I added RMCL support in 2.012.3. Please run with the latest ASDF (currently 2.015.3), and comment out your (otherwise nice) workaround, to check whether ASDF runs out of the box. I don't have RMCL, but I'm willing to patch ASDF further to support it.
? (user-homedir-pathname) #4P"home:" ? (truename *) #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:MCL 6.0:"
This is a known limitation of MCL.
(in-package :asdf)
(defun user-homedir () #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:")
Nice workaround — but can we replace it with something portable? Is there a way in RMCL to detect the actual home directory? Maybe with a call out to C?
? (pushnew #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:usocket:branches:0.5.x:" asdf:*central-registry* :test 'equal) (#P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:usocket:branches:0.5.x:") ? (asdf:load-system :usocket)
Error: Not an absolute pathname: #4P"home:" While executing: ASDF::RESOLVE-ABSOLUTE-LOCATION-COMPONENT Type Command-. to abort. See the Restarts… menu item for further choices. 1 > If error persists with the latest ASDF, can you get a backtrace?
[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.