Any advice about the attached would be helpful... 1. I thought I had figured out how to interactively get at the real definitions, instead of the ones dumped into build/asdf.lisp (which I don't want to edit -- that's like editing your binary). I have this function: (defun debug-asdf () (dolist (c (asdf::required-components :asdf/defsystem :keep-component 'asdf:cl-source-file)) (load (asdf:component-pathname c)))) and that does seem to load everything properly. However, use of SLIME-EDIT-DEFINITION after executing DEBUG-ASDF still dumps me into build/asdf.lisp instead of where I want to be. 2. SLIME-EDIT-DEFINITION on SBCL is confused by the WITH-UPGRADABILITY macro. Anyone know of a way to clue SLIME in to the fact that what's really wanted is the enclosed DEFUN* form, not the WITH-UPGRADABILITY macro? Interestingly, ACL is *not* fooled by this macro, and drops me where I want to be (although still in asdf.lisp instead of the component file). So this seems to be a problem with SB-INTROSPECT:FIND-DEFINITION-SOURCE, not SLIME per se. Cheers, r