On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Zach Beane xach@xach.com wrote:
Faré fahree@gmail.com writes:
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Zach Beane xach@xach.com wrote:
I've saved an executable SBCL image that includes asdf and calls load-system. If the system it's loading depends-on sbcl contribs, e.g. sb-bsd-sockets, it is recompiling the contrib sources.
What causes contribs to get recompiled? Is there an easy way to inhibit it?
Which versions of SBCL and ASDF are you using? Are you using some ASDF options such as enabling deferred-warnings?
I am using SBCL, and ASDF 3.0.3. I am initializing output translations with something like:
(initialize-output-translations '(:output-translations (t "/path/to/fasls/") :inherit-configuration))
Weird. Can you do the following: (1) use (asdf:traverse 'asdf:load-op :your-system) to identify the first few things that get recompiled (2) use (asdf:input-files 'asdf:whichever-op '("sb-whatever" "component-name")) and (asdf:output-files 'asdf:whichever-op '("sb-whatever" "component-name")) to see what are the files involved, and (3) use ls -l to check the timestamps of all said files
One thing that could have gone wrong is that somehow during your SBCL installation, timestamps were not preserved, and some .lisp file got a timestamp later than the corresponding .fasl.
Another thing that could have gone wrong is that somehow your output-translations configuration fails to specially treat the sbcl contribs.
Or then again, it could be a bug in ASDF that I missed because I've been using for months the "no ASDF for contribs at runtime" patch that was just included in the latest SBCL release. But I'm pretty sure I faced that issue earlier and that it was working when I released ASDF 2.27.
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