07.01.2013, 10:29, "Faré" <fahree@gmail.com>:
Dear Anton,
thanks to your cl-test-grid machine, I could run tests. All the systems that you told me had trouble with the latest ASDF now pass. For the record, I had to: 1- fix ASDF (see commit 2.26.59) 2- patch buildapp (sent a pull request upstream) 3- patch asdf-system-connections (had already sent patch upstream earlier) 4- export LANG=en_US.utf-8 5- use the latest ironclad and nibbles (may or may not have been useful) 6- patch xcvb-bridge (committed upstream, need to release for quicklisp) 7- patch weblocks (sent upstream some time ago) 8- patch qbook (patch sent upstream) 9- patch lisp-executable (patch sent upstream)
Exception: * lapack dies with some low-level failure in DGESVD... heap exhausted. I'll blame the build machine's limits.
Yes. SBCL's garbagde collector is conservative is it sometimes uses much more heap than necessary. The most impressive example is f2cl library (a fortran compiler). SBCL can't compile it even with 1GB heap (although these errors are not 100% reproducible, may depend on the system state).