12.02.2014, 08:57, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
10.02.2014, 02:31, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
27.01.2014, 11:04, "Faré" <fahree@gmail.com>:
Anton: can you run cl-test-grid against that? If you have time, also try with (uiop:enable-deferred-warnings-check) and also try with :uiop in the :use list of :asdf-user. I have results for ASDF for these lisps:
abcl-1.2.0-fasl42-linux-x86 ccl-1.9-f96-linux-x86 clisp-2.49-unix-x86 cmu-snapshot-2014-01__20e_unicode_-linux-x86 ecl-13.5.1-unknown-linux-i686-bytecode ecl-13.5.1-unknown-linux-i686-lisp-to-c sbcl-1.1.11-linux-x86
No regressions found so far.
The report: http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-28.html
It compares the ASDF results to the results with original ASDF versions coming with these lisps, on quicklisp 2013-12-13. All the failures we see here were discussed previously, they are not ASDF problems (quicklisp bug + the strange CCL:SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS on CCL when building cl-l10n).
I am running more tests, will follow up here when results are ready.
I also tested on the same quicklisp version our previous baseline - asdf.2.32.35, for the following lisps:
abcl-1.2.0-fasl42-linux-x86 abcl-1.2.1-fasl42-linux-x86 ccl-1.9-f96-linux-x86 clisp-2.49-unix-x86 cmu-snapshot-2014-01__20e_unicode_-linux-x86 ecl-13.5.1-unknown-linux-i686-bytecode ecl-13.5.1-unknown-linux-i686-lisp-to-c sbcl-1.1.11-linux-x86
The same result - no regressions detected.
Next I will try the deferred-warnings enabled and :uiop in the use-list of :asdf-user.
Probably I made some mistake in my setup and the latest ASDF was not in effect when tests are run. We hare a regresssion There is no applicable method for the generic function #<COMMON-LISP:STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ASDF/COMPONENT:COMPONENT-CHILDREN (1)> when called with arguments (#<CFFI-GROVEL:GROVEL-FILE "static-vectors" "ffi-types">) The examples are scriptl http://cl-test-grid.appspot.com/blob?key=1bc1pz0jwt http://cl-test-grid.appspot.com/blob?key=1lj39kniag trivial-features-tests http://cl-test-grid.appspot.com/blob?key=1w15tfux4w http://cl-test-grid.appspot.com/blob?key=1s3h4rlltj To reproduce it: ./lisps/sbcl-bin-1.1.11/run.sh --no-sysinit --no-userinit --load asdf/build/asdf.lisp --load quicklisp/setup.lisp (ql:quickload :scriptl) Why does this error happen? Should ASDF provide default method for ASDF/COMPONENT:COMPONENT-CHILDREN ? Best regards, - Anton