On 17 Feb 2019, at 14:53, Robert Dodier wrote:
On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 6:25 AM Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
Quick response for now: yes, lowercase naming is a requirement.
Hi Robert, thanks for your reply. Got it, no problem. I will adjust my stuff accordingly.
It would really help a lot if the policy for the name of the system and the corresponding .asd filename were spelled out in the ASDF manual. As it stands, the manual doesn't say anything about requirements for system-designator; there are incidental comments suggesting using lowercase but not a specification or requirement. If names are indeed restricted to lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens, it would be great to say so.
On a separate topic, are there any restrictions on the names of components? As it stands the manual says only that component names may be either strings or symbols. Mixed case component names appear to work OK but that may be only fortuitous.
That *is* only fortuitous. If a user of your system was to configure ASDF using logical pathnames for their source repository, these would not work. Also underscores would cause failures. That's at least true for SBCL. ACL does some DWIMing when it can figure out logical pathnames that aren't strictly kosher. I don't know about other CL implementations.
Thanks again, and best wishes. Robert Dodier
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC) 319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net