23.02.2013, 08:48, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
ECL results for ASFD 2.30.5: http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-17.html
I have reivewded the ECL results. The (upstream) errors we have seen already on other CL implementations: - cl-prolog - deoxybyte-utilities - meta-sexp - qbook - xcvb-bridge Other not regressions: - opticl-doc - Not a regression. This ASDF system generates a documentation .html file from .md file. The output .html file is placed near the source file. This operation failes on ECL, but when .html is alreay present the operation is skipped. Interestengly, that new ASDF also rebuilds the ASDF system when dependencies are recompiled, so the failure is visible more often - jwacs - too heavy compilation for gcc (long, and finally gcc runs out of heap) - jwacs-tests - too heavy compilation for gcc (long, and finally gcc runs out of heap) - hu.dwim.serializer - (caused by https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-client/issues/71) - hu.dwim.serializer.test - (caused by https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-client/issues/71) Thigs deserving attention: - blas-complex - blas-real These two seem to be a problem of ASDF integration with cl:require. To reproduce: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp-patched2/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :blas-complex)' Compare to the following, with succeeds: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :blas-complex)' - a2x-test - Fare, you might want to review. The error is strange - "Found invalid character Rubout." To reproduce: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp-patched2/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :a2x-test)' In constrast to old ASDF: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :a2x-test)'