Now to the point. ASDF right now has two modes of operation. One is "building" the other one is "loading". User defined operations belong to one or another class. * compile-op is clearly a "building" operation, for it takes lisp files and compiles them * load-op is clearly a "loading" operation: it just loads a compiled file * load-source-op just as well. * cffi-grovel is a "building" operation: it takes some header and produces a lisp file * a ficticious ffi-dlopen would be a "loading" operation, installing a shared library in memory. One would be tempted to classify these operations according to the value of OUTPUT-FILES. If it is NIL, then is a "builder", otherwise it is a "loader". However this is not always the case as ASDF has not imposed that restriction so far. A simpler way to differentiate "builders" and "loaders" is the one I mentioned before: the two lisp images process, which is close to xvcb philosophy 1 Start a clean lisp image. 2 Apply a (asdf:oos 'load-op :target-system) 3 Quit the image 4 Start another clean lisp image 5 Apply (asdf:oos 'load-op :target-system) The second pass will give a set of operations that is just "loaders", for the first phase created all files that the lisp needs: shared libraries, etc, etc We thus all agree that a standalone system consists only of "loaders": from the second lisp image I could dump whatever is needed and produce a fresh and ready lisp image. The same concept can be applied to binary distributed, standalone replacements for an ASDF system. If in step "5" I identify all the operations that are done on a given system I can identify all "loaders" that relate to that particular system. The only missing ingredient would be identifying that the system needs, such as "resources" that are neither produced nor actually related to an ASDF operation, because currently there is no need for that. This can be left for a second stage, an ASDF 2.1 if you wish, for 3.0 looks too far and more like an excuse to forget things. In that ASDF 2.1 we can add another component such as (:resource "my-bitmap-file" :type "bmp") and force that component have always OUTPUT-FILES the file itself. Actually I can happily do it right now it is just two lines. Now the question is how do we "fake" the two lisp images process, which is a perfectly valid specification of what we need. Right now the extensions do not implement the previous specification. Instead, at the risk of including spurious things, I just invoke TRAVERSE with a LOAD-OP and find out all files that are actually loaded. I know this is a hack but it worked so far. One way that conforms better to the previous specification would be as follows: First force a COMPILE-OP on the system, either in the current or in a forked image. This ensures that al build operations are performed. A second LOAD-OP using (defmethod operation-done-p :around ((operation load-op) c) (if *force-load-p* nil (call-next-method))) and setting *force-load-p* to T will then identify which components actually form part of the lisp image. This has the disadvantage that it triggers a full compilation of a system for a simple query. It is justified if the goal is just to make a bundle operation, but it may be too prohibiting for other extensions. A third way would be to TRAVERSE using a system that assumes all builders are done and only "loaders" are required. How would I do that? Explicitely telling TRAVERSE what I assume that has been done and what not. (defvar *gather-component-filter* nil) (defmethod builder-operation-p ((o compile-op) c) t) (defmethod builder-operation-p (o c) (and (output-files o c) t)) (defmethod operation-done-p :around ((o t) c) (if *gather-component-filter* (funcall *gather-component-filter* o c) (call-next-method))) (defun gather-loaded-components (system &key (op-type 'compile-op) filter-system (filter-type t) include-self) "Finds all components that SYSTEM depends on when applying LOAD-OP. The output is a list of pairs of operations of the type OP-TYPE and components they act upon. The list can be filtered either by component type (FILTER-TYPE) or by imposing that the component belong to a given system (FILTER-SYSTEM). INCLUDE-SELF adds a final pair for the operation and the system itself." (let* ((system (find-system system)) (*gather-component-filter* #'builder-operation-p) (operation (make-instance op-type)) (tree (traverse (make-instance 'LOAD-OP) system))) (append (loop for (op . component) in tree when (and (typep component filter-type) (or (not filter-system) (eq (component-system component) filter-system))) collect (progn (when (eq component system) (setf include-self nil)) (cons operation component))) (and include-self (list (cons operation system)))))) This is an extension of what is currently being used in asdf-ext.lisp but in a more reasonable way because it would be extensible to other things like resources, etc. Note that the :around method is harmless: it only takes effect when gathering components and what it does is discarding the operations we assume done. Juanjo -- Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain) http://tream.dreamhosters.com