On 12/13/11 Dec 13 -10:36 AM, Mark H. David wrote:
Well, I basically want the serial thing, but occasionally I want a group of things compiled using with-compilation-unit wrapped around them.
In the example, I'd want the basic build to go something like
(load (compile-file "packages.lisp")) ; assume compile-file returns the fasl's pathname (load (compile-file "a.lisp") (with-compilation-unit () (load (compile-file "b.lisp")) (load (compile-file "c.lisp"))) (load (compile-file "d.lisp"))
That is not the plan that ASDF is going to perform. Suggestion: if you want to know exactly what ASDF is going to do, try (ASDF:OOS 'ASDF:LOAD-OP "my-system-name" :force t) This will return the plan as its second return value, so you can see the plan. ALL OF THE ACTIONS IN THE PLAN WILL BE DONE IN THE SCOPE OF A *SINGLE* WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. Cheers