On 4 Aug 2020, at 16:18, Ilya Perminov wrote:

The around method will look something like this

(defmethod input-files :around ((o asdf/bundle::gather-operation) (c system))
  (unless (eq (asdf/bundle::bundle-type o) :no-output-file)
    (append (call-next-method)
                     (asdf/bundle::bundle-pathname-type (asdf/bundle::gather-type o)))
                           (mappend (lambda (c) (output-files 'process-op c))
                                    (asdf/component:sub-components c  :type 'wrapper-file))))))

To my taste it knows too much about ASDF guts, but maybe it is not too bad.

I'm looking at the code now, and

So I don't think that is a lot of ASDF internals, especially not for customizing the ASDF protocol.