`(asdf:defsystem ,(something-to-make-my-system-name) :description "blah" … )
and now the asdf:defsystem symbol is coming out as asdf/defsystem:defsystem instead,
which makes the .asd file non backwards-compatible with slightly older asdf versions,
because (symbol-package 'asdf:defsystem) --> #<The asdf/defsystem package>
So the Question is, what is the best way to get asdf:defsystem to print as asdf:defsystem,
when its home package is :asdf/defsystem and apparently it is now just re-exported from :asdf.
Or should this symbol now be officially printed as asdf/defsystem:defsystem ?
Or should I put some (in-package ...) statement at the top of the .asd file, and use plain defsystem with no package prefix?
Of course I think for the time being the .asd file should be compatible with all ASDF versions from recent history...