OK, so I contacted each and every maintainer for the systems with warnings, and already got a few of them fixed. Now to test the systems enabled by UTF-8, and see if any have warnings.
Anton, can you make a run with ASDF 2.26 + utf-8, then a run with ASDF 2.29 + utf-8 + warnings, so we can see the difference?
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org It is deplorable that many people think that the best way to improve the world is to forbid something. However, they're morally more advanced than the people who think the best way to improve the world is to kill somebody. — John McCarthy
(:individual-authors (("James Anderson james.anderson@setf.de" de.setf.wilbur) ("Gary King gwking@metabang.com" trivial-timeout asdf-system-connections lift lift-test cl-containers-test cl-graph-test) ("Paul Rodriguez pmr@ruricolist.com" spinneret) ("Alejandro Sedeno asedeno@gmail.com" cl-protobufs cl-protobufs-tests) ("Kevin Rosenberg kmr@debian.org" postoffice) ; not Orivej Desh orivej@gmx.fr's updated but incomplete fork ("Vincent Toups vincent.toups@gmail.com" parseltongue) ;; fixed ("Leslie Polzer leslie.polzer@gmx.net" montezuma) ("Alan Oursland alan.oursland@gmail.com" km) ("Ryan Davis ryan@acceleration.net" cl-csv cl-mediawiki adw-charting) ("Drew Crampsie drew.crampsie@gmail.com" lisp-on-lines) ;; obsolete ("Robert Marlow bobstopper@bobturf.org" xmls-tools) ("Pascal J. Bourguignon pjb@informatimago.com" com.informatimago.linc com.informatimago.xcode com.informatimago.parser) ("Robert Smith quadricode@gmail.com" computable-reals) ("Dave Cooper david.cooper@genworks.com" gdl-ta2) ("Tapiwa Gutu tapiwa.gutu@gmail.com" clunit) ;; fixed ("Brit Butler redline6561@gmail.com" coleslaw) ;; fixed ("Nathan Froyd froydnj@gmail.com" diff) ("Michael Weber michaelw+clawk@foldr.org" regex) ;; both deferred-warnings failure and UTF8 issue, original author Michael Parker not active anymore. ;; should merge with lispbuilder-regex ? ("Gabor Melis mega@retes.hu" mgl) ;; fixed ("Masayuki Takagi kamonama@gmail.com" marching-cubes) ("Marc Kuo kuomarc2@gmail.com" open-vrp-lib) ("David Lichteblau david@lichteblau.com" prepl) ("Holger Dürer H.Duerer@gmx.net" cl-fluiddb-test) ;; codemonkey@betareduction.info ? ("Rob Blackwell rob.blackwell@robblackwell.org.uk" cl-azure) ("Chris Howey chris@howey.me" cl-fsnotify) ("Elias Martenson lokedhs@gmail.com" cl-gdata) ("Marc Battyani marc.battyani@fractalconcept.com" cl-pdf-doc) (("Eitarow Fukamachi e.arrows@gmail.com" "Julien Danjou julien@danjou.info") clack-handler-hunchentoot) ("Eitarow Fukamachi e.arrows@gmail.com" cl-memcached) ("Vsevolod Dyomkin vseloved@gmail.com" cl-redis) ;; fixed ("Leonardo Varuzza varuzza@gmail.com" cl-randist) ("Kevin Layer layer@franz.com" cl-quakeinfo) ) :mailing-lists (("mcclim-devel@common-lisp.net" mcclim) ("zlib-devel@common-lisp.net" zlib) ("clsql@b9.com" clsql) ;; fixed ("cleric-devel@common-lisp.net" cleric) ("cl-neo4j-devel@common-lisp.net" cl-neo4j) ;; fixed ("cl-kanren-trs-devel@common-lisp.net" cl-kanren-trs) ("elephant-devel@common-lisp.net" elephant dcm) ("pg-devel@common-lisp.net" pg) ("opensource@franz.com" webactions) ))