Robert Goldman wrote:
Is there some reason that this cannot be pushed into the repository itself (i.e., used like a blur/clean thing)? See the bottom of this page: http://progit.org/book/ch7-2.html
I.e., we just automagically detabify when staging.
It seems inappropriate to expect everyone to fuss with his/her own repository to get this behavior. Shouldn't we do it once on the shared repo and we all get it for free?
That's a good idea, but probably not workable. First, I don't think the script will run on stock mswin. Even if it did, I'm not sure there's a syntax to run a filter located within the repository (think initial checkout). In other words, the attributes filter provides a natural hook for this type of thing; but I'm not sure its any easier for the end user to set up. At least the commit hook is optional. Later, Daniel