On 12/14/12 Dec 14 -11:02 AM, Faré wrote:
Dear Nathan,
at least as far as quicklisp-included software goes, your ironclad and nibbles seem to be the only user of ASDF's :if-component-dep-fails and :feature features. These features are a crock and I'd like to plainly remove them. In the future, I might provide a better-thought-out replacement that actually works. In the meantime, the backwards-compatible solution would be to use #+sbcl and such; yes it breaks an abstraction barrier — but at least it doesn't require ASDF itself to break its own abstraction barrier internally.
Could you "fix" your .asd's to not use these features I'd like to drop?
Does any other person who cares about ASDF cares about these features?
I think, if we remove :if-component-dep-fails and replace it with something better (a choice I heartily applaud), and also add your prepare-op, that sounds to me like a big enough change to the API to warrant calling this ASDF 3 sometime soon.... There are enough API differences that I think being able to say #+asdf3 might be useful... Cheers, r