On 7/6/15 Jul 6 -1:37 PM, Dave Cooper wrote:
Don't those environment variables come through to the Lisp, available with uiop:getenv ?
Or, use uiop:raw-command-line-arguments
How is it being done now?
I'm not sure I understand how it is being done now, because it's done through LISP-INVOCATION, a library I don't claim to understand. When we are running LISP-INVOCATION as part of the tests, yes, I believe it's easy for us to use the environment variables to decide what (recursive) flavor of Allegro to run. But for more general use of LISP-INVOCATION, I don't know how one detects the "parent" version of Allegro. OTOH, I suppose that (a) we can simply require the user to specify the lisp s/he wants, which does not have to be the same as the parent dialect and (b) this isn't an ASDF problem. So I think I can shut up about this. cheers, r
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net <mailto:rpgoldman@sift.net>> wrote:
How is this to be managed? In the test suite, there are environment variables that signal which of the many Allegro flavors one is testing. But somehow this information needs to get pushed through the tests into the subsidiary lisp-invocations. How is this managed?
Thanks, r
-- My Best,
Dave Cooper genworks.com <http://genworks.com>, gendl.org <http://gendl.org> +1 248-330-2979