On 18 Jan 2021, at 17:37, Wilfredo Velazquez wrote:

Hello all,

Moving this question from

To reiterate, I believe that the instructions in
https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/asdf/Upgrading-ASDF.html 'Upgrading
ASDF' could use some clarification.

I am attempting to run a newer version of ASDF than that provided by my
impl. The text I'm having issue with is:

If your implementation already provides ASDF 3 or later (and it should),
but you want a more recent ASDF version than your implementation provides,
then you just need to ensure the more recent ASDF is installed in a
configured path, like any other system. We recommend you download an
official tarball or checkout a release from git into ~/common-lisp/asdf/.
Once the source code for ASDF is installed, you don’t need any extra step
to load it beyond the usual (require "asdf"): ASDF 3 will automatically
look whether an updated version of itself is available amongst the
regularly configured systems, before it compiles anything else.

First, it says I should download an official tarball. I looked to the best
of my ability and could not find one. Even if I had found one, I don't know
what I'd do with it.

There should be tarballs here:


Look for the "Getting it" section.

So I moved to the second option and cloned ASDF to `~/common-lisp/asdf/`
and built it successfully.

I verify that indeed I am running a newer ASDF. However, I noticed
`~/comon-lisp/asdf/ext/` includes certain third-party libraries bundled in
the repo. These are being prioritized over Quicklisp libraries, and it's
causing conflicts.

So my question is:

May I get clarification on how I may build & install ASDF such that the
implementation-bundled one will automatically find the newer version, while
omitting the libraries ext/ directory from being picked up?

As far as I can tell, if you put a directory tree into ~/common-lisp/, ASDF will traverse it looking for system definitions, and there is nothing you can do to override this. I have come to dislike the ~/common-lisp/ solution for this reason.

There are other ways you can make the new directory visible to ASDF without exposing ext/:

I hope that will solve your problem!