Faré wrote:
2009/12/1 Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info>:
Sure. Those of you who have patches you want included in the next release, please re-send them to me, if possible based on my development repo at http://common-lisp.net/project/xcvb/git/asdf.git OK, I will resend.
I got two small documentation patches from you that I committed to my repo. I also committed tiny source documentation/comment fixes.
If no one speaks against what's in my repo, it will be pushed to the official repo next week.
I have one more patch that might be of interest: I have decomposed version-satisfies into two methods, one that works on components (as before), and one on version strings (the component method invokes the string method). The idea was to permit us to use version-satisfies on the *asdf-revision* variable, as we add features to asdf going forward. I'll submit it for review. Best, r