On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I would like to dedicate this ASDF release to the late Elias Pipping. On a technical level, Elias made great improvements in some of the most challenging ASDF internals, notably the RUN-PROGRAM component of UIOP, a place where implementations are not constrained by the language specification, diverge radically from each other, and are poorly documented. On a personal level, Elias was very supportive to me as ASDF maintainer, and while I was going through an illness. He did all these things despite being gravely ill with the cancer that eventually killed him. He will be greatly missed,
I'm so sorry to hear that. Just a few days ago he filed and commented on several bugs in cmucl, and proposed one fix. -- Ray