30 May
30 May
4:04 p.m.
Hi, I have a few questions about controlling ASDF execution of compile/load operations: 1. Suppose I have performed successful `load-op` on a certain system. After some time and no changes to the source code of the system nor its dependencies, I run `load-system` again on the same system. How can I ensure that no compile/load action is performed? 2. Suppose I have a system `foo` that depends on `bar`. Now, I explicitly call `(load-system :bar)`. How can I ensure that when I call `(load-system :foo)` no compile/load action is performed on `bar`? Sorry, maybe, these questions are trivial, but I couldn't find definite answers in the docs. --- Vsevolod Dyomkin +38-096-111-41-56 skype, twitter: vseloved