On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
Once again, where under a hierarchy the .asd files are is ultimately the knowledge and responsibility of the curators of the respective source trees, not of the end-user. Therefore, the absence of recursion should be a matter of said source trees including a file cl-source-registry.conf or .cl-source-registry.conf (visible having priority over hidden), that specifies how (not) to recurse in that tree. A simple script could be provided for system writers to create or update said file. A year after all relevant packages have migrated, we can make it the default and people can drop said configuration file when they follow the default behavior of not having meaningful .asd files except directly under the top directory. Furthermore, with a :file directive, these configuration files can directly list the .asd files without any further filesystem access.
I don't think that this new behavior should ever be the default. Scripting is the edge-case for CL, not building of large, complex systems. Further, for some CL implementations (like ABCL, as Mark points out), scripting use is *never* a good option.
Well, we'll see. But faster startup times benefit everyone, not just people using Lisp for scripting. Shaving a second or so from startup time (somewhat less or much more depending on the implementation and the size of your source trees) is useful whether you're (re)starting SLIME, running tests in a batch job, building in a slave or cross-compiling as well as if you're scripting.
From a cost tradeoff PoV, there are few scripting configurations now, and fixing them all is easy and cheap, since they are for early-adopters. Fixing all systems that contain nested system definitions is neither easy nor cheap.
That's why I proposed a two year migration plan, of the same kind we did for unicode support. I believe it may be worth it. On the other hand, if we support this search for cl-source-registry.conf while recursing, then whichever trees are managed (by e.g. quicklisp or debian or clbuild) can have this cl-source-registry.conf automatically optimized by the same manager, so only unmanaged source code downloaded by the user remains slow, and this should be small, except for power users who are big boys enough to do the system administration step of regenerating that file when they update their repositories.
When one wants scripting, it should be easy to specify a "scripting lisp." For now, I suggest that people who want to script with CL should build themselves a pre-configured image for the purpose. That image could have a feature or ASDF configuration variable set so to change the default behavior to cut off recursive ASDF search. Configuration files in source trees would complement this behavior.
Yes, you can already cut a lot of the time by dumping an image.
That approach would serve the purpose of making this behavior easy to specify at the command-line or mouse-click. Later, if CL-based scripting catches on, lisp implementations could ship with versions that are intended for rapid start-up and scripting, avoiding the need for scripters to build their own images. Or separate scripting packages could be provided.
The problem is that it's not a simple matter of a scripting lisp vs a non-scripting lisp, since many libraries (and/or managed set of libraries) needs to be modified to keep working in this scheme for (faster) source-registry initialization. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org To stay young requires unceasing cultivation of the ability to unlearn old falsehoods. — Robert Heinlein, "Time Enough For Love"