If you have any systems that define their own subclasses of OPERATION, *please* pull this update and test. This new version checks to see if OPERATION classes have been updated to adapt to Fare's refactoring of the OPERATION class hierarchy. In a nutshell, Fare has added MIXIN subclasses of OPERATION that control the propagation of dependencies. These new subclasses are DOWNWARD-OPERATION UPWARD-OPERATION SIDEWAY-OPERATION and SELFWARD-OPERATION To these, I have added NON-PROPAGATING-OPERATION. New subclasses of OPERATION will be checked to see if they inherit from one of the above classes, and if they do not, ASDF will signal an error. Fixes for this error should look something like this: (defclass my-operation (OPERATION) ...) should turn into something like (defclass my-operation (#-asdf3 OPERATION #+asdf3 DOWNWARD-OPERATION) ...) with DOWNWARD-OPERATION being replaced by whatever is/are the appropriate dependency (non-)propagating class(es). I hope to add a page or two to the Texinfo documentation to provide more information before the final release. Best, R