On 9/22/16 Sep 22 -9:25 AM, Stelian Ionescu wrote:
This is the problem I would most like to see solved in ASDF.
(defsystem "foo-test" :defsystem-depends-on ("fiveam") :depends-on ("foo") :class "fiveam-asdf:fiveam-tester-system" :components (("some-system:its-component-class" "myfile" ...) ...) ...)
This has been working since 2.31.4.
IIRC, it was Stelian who prodded me to get D-D-O working properly.
I try to use as many ASDF features as possible and useful, and I think that you can point to iolib.asd as the golden example of current best practices. And yes, I had some issues with D-D-O and Fare fixed them.
I'm boggled. I have been complaining about this issue in the past, and I attach an email from February of this year, in which Faré clearly implies that there is no solution to the D-D-O/package bad package interaction issues. See his point #3.
And now.... it's been fixed for years? It seems like if so, even Faré had forgotten....
I think that there are sometimes misunderstandings on mailing lists and probably the best way to avoid them is to have better documentation. Faré :) ? Also, maybe I'll get to blogging about best practices in writing ASDF extensions. -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.