Faré wrote:
Another option: leave it around, but have it default to the ASDF source tree. Best of both worlds? Yes, that's what I did. I just pushed a new version of experimental-submodules. If it looks good, I'll merge it into master and then we can see about merging it into minimakefile...
Looks good to me. One command that helps (and that you can put in your Makefile for debugging):
./bin/asdf-builder re '(uiop:writeln (sort (alexandria:hash-table-alist asdf::*source-registry*) `string< :key `car))'
Thanks. BTW, isn't my ROOT_DIR definition a good replacement for your sourceDirectory? I believe the latter could fail if the Makefile is invoked from another directory.... Actually, your command shows a challenge with using the full ASDF source tree: it exposes all the test systems. I will fix this. Cheers, r