Hi from Greg Bennett who is trying to test a project, developed on Linux,
in Windows 11. It depends significantly on asdf.

As a small test, I defined gb-a.asd as:

(asdf:defsystem "gb-a"
    ;:description "gb-a: a small system"
    :components ((:file "gb-a-package")
                     (:module a-one
                      ((:file "a-one")
                               (:file "a-two")))
                     (:module a-two
                              ((:file "a-three")))

I placed this in c:/ASDF/asdf-tests/

In my lisp, after (require :asdf), I want to execute
(asdf:load-system "gb-a")

Under linux, in ./config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/gb-source.conf I have the line
(:tree "/home/me/ASDF/asdf-tests/")

All works nicely.

One piece of advice I found suggested such a file should be located in

So I put it in c:/Users/me/AppData/Local/etc.. but asdf could not find the system gb-a.
Perhaps this is not the correct place.

By going old-style and using (push "c:/ASDF/asdf-tests/" asdf:*central-registry*) I can get the correct results.

Thanks for advice and assistance on placing a configuration file correctly.

but I should like to use a .conf file when there are several systems to be processed.