On Sun, 6 Sep 2009, Gary King wrote:
This release mostly fixes my confusion... I was mistakenly developing on a branch instead of on master and this meant that my recent patches didn't make it out to the world in the manner intended. Thus, this release actually contains the Windows shortcut code, etc.
For the record, I'm seeing a couple issues with ASDF on Windows. Some may be my doing. First, I had to disable the shortcut code under Clisp; it doesn't like (make-pathname ... :type "asd.lnk"). I have a quick patch for this, but there may be room for improvement (e.g. by changing the name to have .asd and the type to be .lnk?). http://git.libcl.com/local/?p=asdf.git;a=commit;h=92c578dd517437e0f78af83186... Second, symlinks that are zipped up on linux work when unzipped under Vista. Both probe-file and *load-truename* resolve properly. Yet people still have trouble loading asdf-binary-locations through the symlinks (fails to find dev/main.lisp). Wish I had a Vista box to directly see what's going on. Later, Daniel