What if you open an actual disk file for output and bind *standard-output* to its stream? On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
On 6/23/15 Jun 23 -2:15 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
On 6/23/15 Jun 23 -1:46 PM, Dave Cooper wrote:
Is there no way to redirect the output of ACL on Windows? Must it always go into its own console window (or be lost altogether if it's run without a console window)? That seems deeply undesirable....
BTW, if there's no way to redirect lisp output, doesn't that represent the kiss of death for the minimakefile approach of scripting (almost) everything in Common Lisp?
A related question: isn't building ASDF the most challenging imaginable application for scripting in Common Lisp? I.e., we have to invent our own build system for the scripting because we are scripting to build ASDF. For almost any other scripting application, our scripts could rely on ASDF and UIOP....
-- My Best, Dave Cooper genworks.com, gendl.org +1 248-330-2979