On 12/25/10, Antony <lisp.linux@gmail.com> wrote:
I have tried to use the newer version of asdf (been using 1.x for long time).
I put in
(asdf:initialize-source-registry (list :source-registry (list :tree #P"C:/git/") :inherit-configuration))
(asdf:initialize-output-translations (list :output-translations (list "C:/temp/.fasl/") :inherit-configuration ))
I like all of my fasls to go under appropriate subdirs of C:/temp/.fasl/ But, they are all going to c:/Users/Antony/AppData/Roaming/common-lisp/cache...
I do not want to create any config files.
What code would do that.
Looks like a similar sort of setup to mine here, except I do use config files. My asdf-output-translations.conf looks like this: (:output-translations (t "e:/cl-fasls/") :inherit-configuration) I'm not really sure of the correspondence to the non-file or programmatic API, but playing around with the syntax gives me this (apologies in advance for the line-wrapping): CL-USER> (asdf::compute-output-translations '(:output-translations (t "e:/cl-fasls/") :inherit-configuration)) ((#P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*" T) (T #P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*") (#P"C:\\Documents and Settings\\chewyong\\Application Data\\common-lisp\\cache\\clisp-2.47-win-\\**\\*.*" T) (T #P"C:\\Documents and Settings\\chewyong\\Application Data\\common-lisp\\cache\\clisp-2.47-win-\\**\\*.*")) CL-USER> (asdf::compute-output-translations '(:output-translations ("e:/cl-fasls/") :inherit-configuration)) ((#P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*" T) (#P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*" #P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*") (T #P"E:\\cl-fasls\\**\\*.*") (#P"C:\\Documents and Settings\\chewyong\\Application Data\\common-lisp\\cache\\clisp-2.47-win-\\**\\*.*" T) (T #P"C:\\Documents and Settings\\chewyong\\Application Data\\common-lisp\\cache\\clisp-2.47-win-\\**\\*.*")) CL-USER> (asdf:asdf-version) "2.012" CL-USER> So it looks quite similar and should work? However, the way you defined it doesn't seem to be specified here http://common-lisp.net/projects/asdf/asdf/Controlling-where-ASDF-saves-compi... Perhaps you could try '(:output-translations (t "C:/temp/.fasl/") :inherit-configuration) I haven't tested this, so hopefully it helps a little...? Yong.