Nikodemus Siivola wrote:
2009/8/5 Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info>:
Part of the problem with test-op is that the desired behavior has not been specified by the ASDF community. Because of the nature of ASDF, it is impossible for
(asdf:test-system <system>)
to return a value indicating whether or not <system> has passed its tests.
I would propose that as a matter of good style implementations of TEST-OP should signal an error is tests do not pass. It is the simplest way to make sure the result is not misinterpreted...
-- Nikodemus
A second point is that test libraries are often very chatty, and it's unpleasant to have their output mixed in the same stream with the output of the compiler and whatever all else ASDF might happen to trigger splatting onto the output stream. So I really think that some stream argument is essential, even if we were to accept your proposal. best, r