14 Sep
14 Sep
10:54 p.m.
Dear Dave and ASDF users, some of you like Dave may be using immutable-systems. Daniel Kochmanski noticed I made the mistake of advertising *immutable-systems*. I'm considering maybe deprecating this variable in a future release. If you're just accessing it to declare systems immutable, please instead use, e.g. (map () 'asdf:register-immutable-system (asdf:already-loaded-systems)) If you're accessing it to get a list, I'll export a new functional interface. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. ― Booker T. Washington (1856–1915)