Response from Phoebe Goldman hand-forwarded because of problems with's email server:
A few things.
ECHO-OP should not be selfward. SELFWARD-OPERATION is for (OPERATION COMPONENT) pairs which depend on (DIFFERENT-OPERATION COMPONENT) for the same COMPONENT. For example, LOAD-OP is selfward with respect to COMPILE-OP, because in order to perform (load-op FILE), you must first perform (compile-op FILE). Your ECHO-OP has no such dependency. In this case, I believe you want ECHO-OP to be downward and sideways, meaning that (ECHO-OP MODULE) depends on (ECHO-OP MODULE-COMPONENT) for each of the children MODULE-COMPONENTs of the MODULE, and that (ECHO-OP SOURCE-FILE) depends on (ECHO-OP EARLIER-SOURCE-FILE) for each of the EARLIER-SOURCE-FILEs in SOURCE-FILE's :DEPENDS-ON list. This way, when you call (OPERATE 'ECHO-OP (FIND-SYSTEM "whatever")), ASDF will do a depth-first dependency-order traversal of your system.
Your COMPONENT-DEPENDS-ON method is wrong. No pair of (OPERATION COMPONENT) should ever depend on the same (OPERATION COMPONENT). What you're saying is, "in order to perform (ECHO-OP FILE), you must first perform (ECHO-OP FILE)."
For operations that subclass one or more of DOWNWARD- UPWARD- SIDEWAY- SELFWARD- or NON-PROPOGATING-OPERATION, you don't need to define a COMPONENT-DEPENDS-ON method.
Most (OPERATION COMPONENT) pairs have very uninteresting sets of input files. (COMPILE-OP CL-SOURCE-FILE) has one input file, the .lisp source file. (LOAD-OP CL-SOURCE-FILE) has one input file, the .fasl compiled file. (ECHO-OP CL-SOURCE-FILE) will have no input files at all, unless you define a method on INPUT-FILES to list them.
I think the following definition of ECHO-OP might be enlightening to you:
(uiop:define-package :echo-op
(:use :cl)
(:export #:echo-op))
(in-package :echo-op)
(defclass echo-op (asdf:sideway-operation asdf:downward-operation) ())
(defun print-input-files (op c)
(format t "~&Operation ~a on component ~a has input files:~{~% ~a~}~%"
op c (asdf:input-files op c)))
(defun print-dependencies (op c)
(format t "~&Operation ~a on component ~a depends on ~{~% ~a~}~%"
op c (asdf:component-depends-on op c)))
(defmethod asdf:perform ((op echo-op) c)
(flet ((do-operations (thunk)
(funcall thunk op c)
(funcall thunk (asdf:make-operation 'asdf:compile-op) c)
(funcall thunk (asdf:make-operation 'asdf:load-op) c)))
(format t "~&~%Input files for component ~a with a variety of operations:~%~%" c)
(do-operations #'print-input-files)
(format t "~&~%Dependencies for component ~a with a variety of operations:~%~%" c)
(do-operations #'print-dependencies)))
Note that:
I recommend you load this version, try (ASDF:OPERATE 'ECHO-OP:ECHO-OP (ASDF:FIND-SYSTEM "echo-op-test") :FORCE T) and see what output you get.
On Apr 26, 2022, at 3:40 AM, zacque < <mailto:technical+asdf-devel@zacque.tkwrote:
I'm trying to learn how ASDF object model works by defining a simple
operation "echo-op". I want it to print out pathnames of all loaded lisp
files to *standard-output*. It sounds like a simple task, but I couldn't
get it to work. Thus I'm asking for help here.To do that, I define a project:
----------- file: echo-op.asd -------------------
(defsystem #:echo-op
((:file "package")
(:file "echo-op")))
------------------------------------------------------------ file: package.lisp -------------------
(defpackage #:echo-op
(:use #:cl #:asdf)
------------------------------------------------------------ file: echo-op.lisp -------------------
(in-package #:echo-op)(defclass selfward-echo-op (selfward-operation)
())(defmethod asdf:component-depends-on ((op selfward-echo-op) c)
`((selfward-echo-op ,c) ,@(call-next-method)))(defmethod asdf:output-files ((op selfward-echo-op) c)
nil)(defmethod asdf:perform :around ((op selfward-echo-op) c)
(let ((input-files (asdf:input-files op c)))
(loop for file in input-files
do (format t "~s" file))))(setf (find-class 'asdf::selfward-echo-op) (find-class 'selfward-echo-op))
-------------------------------------------------Then, if I run these from the REPL:
----------- REPL -------------------
CL-USER> (asdf:load-system :echo-op :force t)
; compiling file
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
; compiling file
; wrote
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.036
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf::selfward-echo-op :echo-op-test)
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR {1002341273}>.
-------------------------------------------------I got the error:
----------- SLIME *sldb* -------------------
The slot ASDF/ACTION:SELFWARD-OPERATION is unbound in the object
[Condition of type UNBOUND-SLOT]
-------------------------------------------------The "echo-op-test" system is simply:
----------- file: echo-op-test.lisp -------------------
(defsystem #:echo-op-test
:defsystem-depends-on (#:echo-op)
((:file "package")
(:file "example")
(:file "main")))
with empty files package.lisp, example.lisp, and main.lisp.Now, if I redefine selfward-echo-op to subclass load-op, I got this
error instead:
----------- SLIME *sldb* -------------------
Circular dependency of
. #<ASDF/SYSTEM:SYSTEM "echo-op-test">)
which I have no idea what is going on.I'm still learning about ASDF, so any help to achieve what I want to do
would be very much appreciated.Thanks!