On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:--
1- I think we should proceed and add a default path anyway.
~/cl/ and/or ~/common-lisp/ sound fine to me, and I've seen no one
complain about that.
You could make it ~/local/common-lisp/ if you're into larger paths.How about providing the following as part of this:1. the option of a control file within that default path, to be able to specify subdirectories to be ignored. So anyone who already happens to have a ~/cl/ with a bunch of inactive subfolders with .asd files can make ~/cl/subdirs-to-exclude.asdc whose contents could be e.g.("inactive-proj-1" "inactive-proj-2")2. When registering systems in the default location, loudly announce that this is happening, e.g:*****Automatically registering .asd systems under ~/cl/...Protip: if you want to exclude certain subdirectories, create file~/cl/subdirs-to-exclude.asdccontaining a list of the subdirectory names to be excluded, e.g.("inactive-proj-1" "inactive-proj-2")*****
My Best,
Dave Cooper