On 8/30/15 Aug 30 -12:54 PM, Faré wrote:
Dear Robert,
I know you wanted to proceed to making new developments in an ASDF 3.2, but I believe the bad default cache computation on Windows makes it a good idea to release an ASDF 3.1.6 sometime soon. Bonus will be some concurrency fix and a better run-program on ECL.
I still advocate merging in the minimakefile branch before 3.1.6. It will really make releasing and testing easier, especially on Windows.
Should we see about making sure we have a working ASDF on ACL for 3.1.6? I'm wondering if we should back out the change to system pathnames for ticket 1485276. Is that a bug fix, so ok to shove out in 3.1.6, or is it a new feature, which might better be held for 3.2? I'll see how minimakefile behaves for me and get back to you... Best, r