For the record, I'm seeing a couple issues with ASDF on Windows. Some may be my doing.
First, I had to disable the shortcut code under Clisp; it doesn't like (make-pathname ... :type "asd.lnk"). I have a quick patch for this, but there may be room for improvement (e.g. by changing the name to have .asd and the type to be .lnk?). http://git.libcl.com/local/?p=asdf.git;a=commit;h=92c578dd517437e0f78af83186...
It seems to me your patch is the right one: if CLISP already handles this, then ASDF should rely on CLISP rather than re-doing it.
Second, symlinks that are zipped up on linux work when unzipped under Vista. Both probe-file and *load-truename* resolve properly. Yet people still have trouble loading asdf-binary-locations through the symlinks (fails to find dev/main.lisp). Wish I had a Vista box to directly see what's going on.
That's weird. Do you have a backtrace from somewhere? -- Gary Warren King, metabang.com Cell: (413) 559 8738 Fax: (206) 338-4052 gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM * gwking on twitter