Hi all, Will wild-module support ever be fully and "officially" supported? Currently there's what appears to be a sample implementation as part of asdf/contrib but, if I recall correctly, asdf/contrib is bound to disappear eventually (actually, the documentation says this is an empty package). However, it's not clear how to use it, it's not documented and it's not clear if it will ever be a part of asdf or not. In my mind, this is an useful feature. Not for small systems (which, sadly, are the majority of Common Lisp open source projects), but for large systems where new files may be added to a directory to incorporate additional functionalities (a plug-in kind of thing). In these scenarios, wild-module definitions would ease development and system maintenance greatly. As far as I know, asdf is perfectly capable of implementing it and it looks to me like an implementation-agnostic feature, so I see no reason not to include as a core component. Thanks, rcn