On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Gary King wrote:
I've pushed version 1.351 of asdf and various ls operations show that it is indeed on http://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/public_html/ asdf.git. When I clone this, however, I'm not seeing any of the recent changes.
Does anyone know what else needs to happen?
I just took a look... and that's an odd setup. By tradition, git repositories take one of two forms. Normal: project-name/ .git/ internal-git-files... checked-out-files... Bare: project-name.git/ internal-git-files... Looking at asdf, I see public_html/ asdf.git/ internal-git-files... checked-out-files... non-git-files... Thus when asdf.git/hooks/post-update runs (see below), it fails since many git operations cannot find the git repository. If you edit asdf.git/config to say "bare = true", then this problem should be resolved. You may also want to manually delete the checked out files from public_html. As regarding post-update, see `man githooks` on how to enable this and what it does. After enabling it, cd back to asdf.git and run it manually; the http update should then work properly. - Daniel