Greetings, I am a common-lisp noob. I am not a programmer noob, nor a build system noob. I have carefully studied fare's asdf manual, pages 25-26 in the pdf and backwards through the reverse dependencies of the terms used, about the package-inferred-system. I have a problem that I've whittled down to a very small snippet. I'm using SBCL and its native ASDF, but also tested against ASDF repo head (ln -s into ~/common-lisp, verified in the repl). My question is why this system, located in file "./hello.asd", containing: ***************************************************************** (asdf:defsystem "hello" :class :package-inferred-system :depends-on ("hello/src/main")) ***************************************************************** paired with the system/package file "./src/main.lisp", containing: ****************************************************************** (uiop:define-package :hello/src/main ;; (:use :alexandria) ;; XXXRLC This line fails: "The variable MAIN ;; is unbound". I have no idea why. Backtrace provides no clues ;; (to me). Load the library in the repl matters not. Elide that ;; line and (asdf:load-system "hello") => T and then CL-USER> ;; (hello/src/main:main) => urg \n "urg" as expected. (:export #:main)) (in-package :hello/src/main) (defun main () (write-line "urg")) ******************************************************************* fails as described in the comment. Sure I would like the answer but the more interesting question is how could I debug this failure? I slogged through the late '90s debugging complex C++ template programming errors. Pages and pages of output. I don't mind doing it again. But I don't know where to start with this ASDF build system. Thank you for any suggestions, obviously the answer must be trivial. All the best, Russell L. Carter