Fare, your asdf/uiop image-dumping machinery is great! with only a few minutes of trying i've already made an exe for the dwim.hu service that seems to just work. i'm very pleasantly surprised, because it gets rid of the entire hu.dwim.build complexity, and is now even platform independent... thank you! :) FTR, the change is here: http://dwim.hu/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=HEAD%20hu.dwim.home;a=commitdiff;h=20... it all seems to just work, but i have a hard time telling asdf where to put the resulting exe. the :build-pathname arg of defsystem errors with absolute paths (which sounds reasonable), but then it's merely the filename of the exe. my problem is that it gets saved into the fasl cache, which i cannot calculate from the shell script side of the build script to mv the file to its final place. is there some doc or test that i have missed? -- • attila lendvai • PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39 -- “You think you know when you can learn; are more sure when you can write; even more when you can teach... but certain when you can program.” — Alan Perlis