~/common-lisp/ is slightly more pretentious, but probably works, too.
That would be my preference.
~/cl/ is taking a lot of familiarity, and maybe I should keep it my personal configuration rather than a recommended default.
These last two have been rejected by Pascal and others for what I feel are good reasons.
I thought Pascal has just rejected ~/lisp/ because of his current setup. I haven't seen anyone comment on either ~/common-lisp/ or ~/cl/
I believe that ~/common-lisp/ is the Right Thing™ at this point.
Are you saying that I just got lucky because I happen to be subscribed to this mailing list, but it's ok if other people have to suffer?
For the records, I don't like any of the suggested "default" paths.
Just make this a configuration option. For example, an environment variable, or so, then everybody can choose their own preferred name.
export ASDF_DEFAULT_PATH=~/common-lisp
...and please make this empty by default, so it doesn't mess up anything unless I ask it to do so...
Thanks, Pascal